
You are not what you look like

Neha Chourasiya Neha Chourasiya June 19, 2023 | 1 minute
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You are not what you look like

You are not what you look like.
  You’re the music you listen to,
the shows you watch,
  the art you make,
the flowers in your hair
  & the warmth of your favourite blanket.
You’re not the pimple on your nose or pudge on your tummy.
  You’re not your thighs or your teeth.
You’re the drop of rain.
  You’re mismatched socks you wear & you’re favourite sweater.
You’re not what you look like or the body you are in.
  You are what you love !!

Neha Chourasiya
by Neha Chourasiya
Neha is a 2022 batch student of Government Medical College, Ratlam

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