
The Sound of Silence

Mansi Garg Mansi Garg March 28, 2023 | 1 minute
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The Sound of Silence

The words that are spoken,
the emotions that are not.
The biggest truths that we write,
but the secrets that only remain an ink blot.

The hatred that we express,
while the love lies in a corner.
In the noise of fake cries,
did you ever hear a silent mourner?

The anger that you see,
the hurt you never saw.
But where were you,
when the good was over ridden by the flaws?

The sword of words,
that creates destruction and violence.
But amidst these chaos,
did you hear the sound of silence?

Mansi Garg
by Mansi Garg
Redefining love and happiness!
See more works from Mansi

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