
Utkarsh Sahu

Batch 2018 Batch 2018 July 22, 2023 | 1 minute
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Utkarsh Sahu

This Kanpuriya boy has the most infectious smile and charming dimples. Though he may come off as intimidating due to his intense demeanor, he has a heart of gold and is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone. Being a Libra he has an attractive personality that draws people to him.

In his dictionary, the term ’no’ appears to be conspicuously absent and this often gets him into trouble. Though he can be diplomatic at times, his true strength lies in being the most empathetic and reliable friend. He holds a remarkable ability to crack you up in serious times and possess a hidden talent for singing. His singing skills fall somewhere in the middle-of-the-road category. He’s not quite ready for a record deal, but he’s also not causing any shattered windows.

Well there’s an endless list of adjectives for him but some of the notable ones include easygoing, trustworthy, nonjudgmental.

Batch 2018
by Batch 2018

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