
Pravin Patel

Batch 2018 Batch 2018 July 20, 2023 | 2 minutes
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Pravin Patel

aka DAVID and PIRVIN BHAIYA by his dear ones comes from village “Badgoan” and is a true gentleman, bonafide and a benevolent person..He is a hardworking, dedicated and faithful guy and puts aside everything when it comes to studies. He has a soft and polite disposition and he totally reflects the goodness of his soul. A humorous person who never fails to amaze everyone with his one liners, which can sometimes be infectious . He is a true friend like a treasure that is hard to find, always there to take stand for his friends against a hundred naysayers, extends a hand as soon as he knows you need him even without you asking for help. He is truly the elixir of life and panacea for many ills. A person with whom you can share all your secrets, although he is omniscient but he never lets the secrets out of the bag. A quidnunc but not a gossipmonger, just a “GOSSIP DUMP YARD”. He is a complete package of sarcasm which sometimes only his friends can understand. He is like CPR in the life of his friend’s emergency crisis and his jocularity acts as an adrenaline to it. A FOODAHOLIC who finds happiness in every bit of delicious street food with his life’s motto being “First we eat then we do everything else” i.e. a good food good mood kinda guy. He has an unquenchable thirst for tea, as for him a cup of tea is a cup of peace which you definitely need more than once a day.

He is a cheerful, trustworthy, loyal and a beautiful soul on the earth. we hope he’ll conquer every bit of success ahead and we wish him all the best for future endeavours.

Batch 2018
by Batch 2018

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