
Strange Revenge

Manisha Chouhan Manisha Chouhan July 06, 2023 | 3 minutes
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Strange Revenge

Kashish and I(Esha) have been roommates for one and half years. We both have totally different opinions and choices, still we manage to share the same space in this hostel. It’s Sunday afternoon and today I decided to complete my favorite novel which I started 20 days ago.
“I will not say goodbye, my love will never die…….myyy loveee myyy loveee….”
Suddenly loud music noise filled my ears.
“Stop singing so loudly Kashish and lower the volume of your music player. It will tear my eardrum.” I said
“This is my favorite song Esha, you should enjoy the lyrics rather than complaining about it.” She replied in her enthusiastic voice.
“It’s your voice girl, which I find irritating. It’s making the song much worse.” I said.
“Oh my dear roomie, if you don’t want to hear this melodious voice, you can go to hell.” She replied.
She sounded ridiculous.
Why is she so irritating! God, why? I hate her. I took my books and went to the balcony to read.
Slammed the door
One day I’ll have my revenge for this.
Then I started reading my novel.

After some time Richa ma’am came into our room. She’s our hostel warden and also a rich lady who wears expensive jewelry.
“How much garbage is spread around your room! Where’s your roommate?” She angrily asked.
Ah! It’s 5:12 P.M. Kashish goes out daily in the evening.
“She’s gone to the park ma’am.” I replied.
“When she comes back, both of you clean up here. Okay?” her tone was bitter.
“Yes ma’am.” I obediently said.
Then she turned back and headed to her office. While leaving, a ring from her bag fell on the ground.
At that moment a nasty thought came to my mind. I decided to take my revenge.
I put that ring in Kashish’s drawer.

Next day the news of the missing ring spread in the hostel. When everyone’s room was searched, the ring was found in her drawer. Kashish tried to declare herself innocent but no one believed.
She kept crying all day long. After a while, she left the room.
She must have gone for a walk, as usual.
I was feeling guilty for what I did. So I decided to tell the truth to everyone as soon as Kashish returned to the hostel.
It was 8 o’clock but she did not return yet.
Just then my phone rang. It was my hostel mate Neha. I picked up the call.
“Esha….. Kashh Kashish had an accident. A truck hit her. By the time people around her took her to the hospital, she had already lost her life.” Neha said.
Her words choked my throat.

I went to the hospital quickly. Kashish’s parents, Richa ma’am and some of my hostel mates were already there. When her mom saw me, she hugged me, and started crying harder. How did all this happen, she questioned with tears filled in her eyes.
When I went back to my hostel room, it had lost its essence. Kashish’s absence was killing my soul. Without her this room is just a physical space. My tears continued flowing.
After some time, I headed to the balcony.
I heard something…..
“My love, my love…… my feel is love,
I will not say goodbye….my love will never die…..”
It was Kashish’s voice.
My feet froze there.

Manisha Chouhan
by Manisha Chouhan
Medical student with some extra hobbies.

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Kritika Sahu

Amazing my dear girl... It's wonderful story and also emotional in the last. Waiting for Ur next part of the story.

Manisha Badiya

Amazing story 🤩...... very excited for next part .