book review

Man's Search for Meaning

Anugrah Mishra Anugrah Mishra July 20, 2023 | 2 minutes
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Man's Search for Meaning

As a history buff, I’ve always been fascinated by both the World wars and associated historic events, this book that I’m reviewing is the author’s account of how he survived the holocaust and concentration camps built during World War 2 in Nazi Germany.

Contrary to most of the published works on the topic, this memoir is a bit different, rather than divulging into the great tragedies of that time, it seeks to illuminate the everyday torments of millions of nameless prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps.

Frankl in this memoir writes from his personal experiences, that despite all the harsh atrocities he had to bear as a prisoner, with every turn of events, his grim positivity seemed to grow stronger and stronger, as in his words, he had found a deeper sense of meaning in his suffering.

Frankl also delves deep into the question of what is the purpose of one’s being after all? What is it all supposed to mean? And what is the basic purpose of one’s existence? Which makes this written memoir a philosophically profound century defining book.

In his words with no contempt or hatred against the ones who brought to him deep emotional trauma, he explains all the inhumane conditions in which prisoner were forced to thrive, every day of their lives. He explains how it was almost unbearable to be subjected to such atrocities.Despite these harsh conditions, he explains how human psyche can change one’s perception to pain and suffering.He quotes Nietzsche, as in “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

This book in my opinion is a wonderful tool to understand human psyche about how one can perceive suffering and how a change in attitude towards it can result in miraculous inner strength, as Frankl explains there were all types of prisoners in the camps, the ones who had no hopes of ever returning to their normal lives and who had given up on themselves to those who believed beyond all these atrocities, the rest of their precious life awaits them. A hope that gave them strength to go on against all the odds.

  • Genre: Non-fiction (Memoir)
  • Author: Victor E. Frankl
  • Year of publication: 1946
Anugrah Mishra
by Anugrah Mishra
Anugrah, from 2021 batch, is the member of edboard with most exacting standards. He reads, plays guitar, writes poems - and that is when is unproductive.
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