Akanksha Singh Gaur

Akanksha Singh Gaur

This 2019 batch Indorin is a bundle of sentimental soulfulness. Currently, she is deftly balancing her academics with co-Chief Editorship of 'The Articulate'. Has delusions of grandeur regarding her cooking skills.

Stories by Akanksha Singh Gaur

Hostel Life: The chronicles of my Second Home

The word “home” conjures up images of comfort, safety, and familiarity. It’s a place where one can unwind, be themselves, and find solace in the company of loved ones. But what happens when we leave this cocoon-like environment to venture into the unknown?

article by Akanksha Singh Gaur

Who am I?

मैं शून्य हूॅं या हूॅं इकाई ? क्या तूफानों से डर जाऊॅंगी मैं या और निखर जाऊॅंगी मैं ? क्या शिखर छू पाऊंगी मैं या नील गगन में उड़ जाऊॅंगी मैं? क्या बीच मझधार में कश्ती डूब जाएगी मेरी या पतवार बन समंदर भी लांघ जाऊॅंगी मैं?

poem by Akanksha Singh Gaur